AS Loggia envelope Print up


Cutting-edge solutions and accessories for layers and pullets, designed to maximize your system. A wide choice of equipment for layers, from the first day of life until the end of the production process: automated and computerized systems for watering, feeding, egg collection, air conditioning, cleaning and much more.



Your operation is one-of-a-kind. We’re here to stand with you from idea, to installation and beyond. To make sure you have the right system and support for your farm.


Combining innovation and proven design in a highly customizable solution



Combining innovation and proven design in a highly customizable solution


  • Compact design to maximize the number of birds in the barn with balanced distribution of nests, feeders, drinkers and perches
  • Open system designed to have an optimal movement of birds to elevate the level of welfare
  • Easy inspection for the whole system thanks to the rear opening of the nest with centralized system
  • Nest with perforated astroturf mats and moving floor, for cleaner eggs
  • Egg belt cover countable as usable surface
  • Increased egg belt width to improve egg transport and reduce damage
  • Designed with the operator in mind
  • Quality materials with high corrosion resistance

An Easy-to-Manage System for Operators

AS Loggia

The Loggia aviary was developed as a natural progression of the AS rearing system, to provide a high welfare and easy to manage system for both birds and operators. The compact multi-level design allows for optimum positioning of raised levels, nest, feeders, perches and drinkers. It provides a symmetrical structure with offset living areas.

This provides an easy and natural route for the birds to rest, eat, drink and lay. The ease of movement within the system ensures a very even distribution of birds, reducing the risk of smothering and stress. The gentle slope on the floors and nest design, dramatically reduces eggs out of the nests, while the perforated floor with Astroturf and tipping floor nest design ensures high quality clean eggs. Aiding the health and wellbeing of the birds, and enhancing production performance, is made easier with the Loggia.

The Loggia concept includes integrated feeders, perches, drinkers, lighting, nests, egg collection and manure removal. All of these are configured to provide a tailored solution for your poultry business.

AS Loggia 2T 3D - Front

AS Loggia 2T

AS Loggia 3T

AS Loggia 3D - Back

AS Loggia 3D - Front

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