Cutting-edge solutions and accessories for layers and pullets, designed to maximize your system. A wide choice of equipment for layers, from the first day of life until the end of the production process: automated and computerized systems for watering, feeding, egg collection, air conditioning, cleaning and much more.

Your operation is one-of-a-kind. We’re here to stand with you from idea, to installation and beyond. To make sure you have the right system and support for your farm.

Focused on You
Dedicated to the Egg Industry
You’re 100% committed to your business. We’re just as devoted to the egg industry and helping you succeed. You inspire us every day to innovate and improve. Because helping you find the right system will help your layers and your operation reach their full potential.
The Eggsperience
Unlock Your Egg Production Potential
At Tecno, our Eggsperts are dedicated to unlocking your egg production potential with tailored solutions that transform your ideas into successful projects. We maximize both the quality of your eggs and the well-being of your animals. Every perfect egg is a testament to our commitment to responsible farming and sustainable innovation. Whether you're an experienced farmer or just starting, Tecno is your trusted partner in achieving Eggcellence. With our Aviary Systems housing solutions, we ensure you meet specific market demands while benefiting from our continuous research and development. Join us on this journey of excellence, where every egg becomes a masterpiece of quality.
Ultimate Care
Give Your Layers the Very Best for Top-Quality Eggs
You give your layers the very best to get the highest quality eggs. When it comes to housing systems, you expect nothing less. You want your hens to be comfortable, safe and nourished. Tecno delivers. With solutions and support just right for your business. We call it “The Eggsperience”. You won’t find it in the dictionary. But, it has real meaning. It’s our commitment to understand where you want to go. So, your hens have the right environment to help you get there.

High Quality Systems
Engineered to Stand the Test of Time
For you, this is more than a job. And there are no days off. Your layer system has to work just as hard. That’s why Tecno systems are engineered to perform every single day. So, you can focus on helping your layer hens reach their full potential.